Date Wise Circulation Transaction Counts.
This report is a track the date wise count to total number of circulation books per day issue, renewal, return and payment breakdown etc.
- Crete the New SQL Report.
- Copy and Paste following lines in the SQL report.
Save and close.
SELECT date(datetime) AS Date, SUM( IF(type = 'issue', 1, 0 )) AS Issues, SUM( IF(type = 'renew', 1, 0 )) AS Renewals, SUM( IF(type = 'return', 1, 0 )) AS Returns, SUM( IF(type = 'payment', 1, 0 )) AS Payment, COUNT(statistics.type) AS 'Total Transactions' FROM statistics WHERE DATE(datetime) BETWEEN <<From Date |date>> AND <<To Date |date>> GROUP BY date